HOA Board Members
Picture Gallery
3rd Amended Management Certificate.FILED 24-05981
Construction Application
History of Canyon Springs Ranch
HOA Board By-Laws
HOA Records Retention Policy
§1-7_ 8/16/2011Release of RFR
HOA Records Production and Copying Policy
Wilderness Trail Map
Updated River Park Rules
Section 1 Deed Restrictions
1. 4/3/1963 Original Deed Restrictions
1. 9/23/1963 Amended Restrictions
1. 12/30/1996 Amended Restrictions
1. 12/19/2007 Amended Restrictions
Section 1 Plat
Section 2 Deed Restrictions
2. 4/21/1964 Original Deed Restrictions
2. 2/1/1968 Adoption of Restrictions
2. 12/30/1996 Amended Restrictions
2. 2/1/2008 Amended Restrictions
Section 2 Plat
Section 3 Deed Restrictions
3. 10/30/1973 Original Deed Restrictions
3. 12/30/1996 Amended Restrictions
3. 1/7/2014 Amended Restrictions
Section 3 Plat
Section 4 Deed Restrictions
4. 8/03/1978 Original Deed Restrictions
4. 8/17/1979 Corrected Restrictions
4. 1/1/1996 Amended Restrictions (VOIDED)
4. 12/18/1997 Amended Restrictions
4. 1/1/2016 Amended Restrictions
Section 4 Road Dedication
Section 4-July1978-Dec 1978 -1985
Section 5 Deed Restrictions
5.1 8/16/1983 Original Deed Restrictions
5.1 12/31/1996 Amended Restrictions
5.1 12/19/2007 Amended Restrictions
5.2 7/23/1985 Original Deed Restrictions
5.2 12/31/1996
5.1 12/19/2007 Amended Restrictions
5.2 12/15/2009 Third Amended Restrictions
Section 5 Phase 1 original & replat
Section 5 Phase 2
Section 6 Deed Restrictions
6. 8/27/1983 Original Deed Restrictions
6. 1/1/2000 Amended Restrictions
6. 12/14/2009 Amended Restrictions
6. 1/1/2010 Amended Restrictions
Section 6 Plat -original & amended
Section 7 Deed Restrictions
7. 5/16/2000 Original Deed Restrictions
7. 1/1/2016 Amended Restrictions
7. 1/17/2017 Dues Increase
Section 7 original & replat
Dark Sky Community Information
KerrCounty Important Firewise Information
1) NFPA Firewise Instructional Material
2) Wildfire : Prevent Home Ignition, Part 1
3) Wildfire: Prevent Home Ignition, Part 2
4) Some Steps to Protect Your Home From Wildfires
5) Firewise- Protecting Your Home
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